Seller Terms Of Use Agreement

According to Terms of Information Technology Act 2000 rules this is electronic record which does not require any physical or digital signature of the user. This document is published according to the rules and regulation of the Information Technology rules 2011 which requires Terms of use, privacy policy and rules and regulations for the use of domain including “website”, “”, “VEDSON ECOMMERCE PRIVATE LIMITED mobile application”, “ mobile application”, any other digital medium, any other services and other offline resources/services refer to VEDSON PLATFORM which is owned by VEDSON ECOMMERCE PRIVATE LIMITED.

The domain including the related website, mobile site and mobile application android/iOS, website,, VEDSON ECOMMERCE PRIVATE LIMITED mobile application, mobile application, as well as seller portal, any other digital medium, any other services and other offline resources/services refer to VEDSON PLATFORM.

VEDSON PLATFORM and VEDSON TRADEMARK is owned by VEDSON ECOMMERCE PRIVATE LIMITED a company incorporated under the companies act, 1956 with its registered office at Shop No. 8, Vikash Shopping Center, Near Circuit House, Mahendranagar, Rajkot, Morbi, Gujarat, India, 363642

This agreement contains the terms of use the terms “you” and “your” shall relate to any person, company, business, legal entity who has agreed to become a seller on Vedson Platform by registering as seller with their personal and business information data on Vedson Platform using computer system, mobile, any online mode or offline mode. This agreement that govern your access to our services through a particular seller account and is a agreement between you and Vedson Ecommerce Private Limited. By registering your seller account on our Vedson Platform you on behalf of your business or yourself is responsible and agree to bound to this seller terms of use agreement including all other terms and conditions, terms of use, return and refund policies, replacement policies, other policies, other conditions whichever is there on Vedson Platform.

The word “user” shall collectively imply a buyer, a seller, any visitor, any company, on the Vedson Platform.

As used in this agreement, The terms “VEDSON”, “Company”, “we”, “us”, “our”, Vedson Platform, refer to VEDSON ECOMMERCE PRIVATE LIMITED.

This seller terms of use will imply with the other terms and conditions in case any conflict is there, than seller terms of use agreement will be prevail over other terms and conditions.

Our Seller Terms of Use Agreement is subject to change at any time without prior notice. Please see this Seller terms of use Agreement before you use any of our services on website, mobile application, online/offline sources everytime, Vedson Platform so that you can be aware of latest Seller Terms of Use Agreement. Any change in the Seller Terms of Use Agreement applies to all our customer, visitors and sellers who has Seller/Customer account with us or who do not have account with us also. This also applies to customers, visitors and sellers who visited earlier used our services online, offline or in any other manner and to the customers, visitors and sellers who is currently using our services online, offline or in any other manner. When any customer, visitor, seller, any person, any company or any other entity visit or use our website or Vedson Platform, than you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Seller Terms of Use Agreement. If you do not agree please do not use or access our website,Vedson Platform, mobile application or any other offline/online services of our company. Our Seller Terms of Use Agreement is subject to change at any time without prior notice. This is electronic record and this does not require any digital signature or physical signature of the customer, visitor, seller, any person, any company or any other organisation to use it. If you are using our services online/offline, our website, our mobile application, Vedson Platform than by default you are agreeing our Seller Terms of Use Agreement, if you do not want to agree than please don’t use any of our services online or offline our website, our mobile application, Vedson Platform. We can also notify you through any of the communication modes like email, sms, phone or any mode, but it will not be mandatory for us to notify you, it is your responsibility and role to check this Seller Terms of Use Agreement and other policies on Vedson Platform to be updated with our terms and conditions.

If you transact on the Vedson platform than you agree terms and conditions of policies applicable and Seller Terms of Use Agreement on vedson platform which are incorporated by way of reference. Whenever you use the services of Vedson than you agree that you are bound by the policies and Seller Terms of Use Agreement on Vedson Platform. Under this Seller Terms of Use Agreement all other policies comes whichever is there on Vedson Platform.

1. Seller Account Registration

To begin with the seller registration process you must complete registration process for the services you want to use on Vedson Platform. You can use the platform if and only if you can enter into and form contract legally binding under the applicable law. If you are a minor i.e under the age of 18 years than you shall not register as a seller on the Vedson Platform, transact or use the Vedson Platform. At the time of seller registration on Vedson Platform you must provide us with your Business Name( Legal Name), Display Name, Address, GST Details, PAN Number, phone/mobile number, email address, personal details of partner/director, applicable tax registration details and other information which we may request to you to give. Any personal data you provide will be handles in accordance with Vedson Privacy Policy. If you register as a business entity than you agree that you represent business entity and you are duly authorized by the business entity to accept the Seller Terms of Use Agreement and other policies which is there on vedson platform and you have the authority to bind the business entity to Seller Terms of Use Agreement.

Vedson reserves the rights to terminate your seller registration and/or refuse your access to the Vedson platform anytime if it is noticed by Vedson Platform that you are under 18 years of the age.

2. Seller obligation, Confidentiality and personal data

You agree that you shall remain responsible for maintaining confidentiality of the information which you have given to us as a seller registration account, as well as legal name display name, login id and password details. Please do not share login id and password with any other person or entity which will harm you, if you share any information with other person or entity than you agree that you will only be responsible for all consequence in terms of money also. You can always share your information with tax authority or Indian Government that has jurisdiction over you anytime provided that you only share minimum information which is necessary for the corresponds between you and tax authority or Indian government.

You agree that if the information provided by you is untrue, not current, inaccurate or incomplete or we have reasonable grounds to suspect that information which you have provided is untrue, not current, inaccurate or incomplete or not accordance with Seller Terms of Use Agreement and our other policies than we shall have right to suspend or terminate your seller account on the vedson platform or block you from accessing the vedson platform for lifetime.

You may not use the personal/transactional information of any customer or seller or buyer other than fulfilling the order/transaction on our vedson platform. You will use the customers/buyers data in applicable law only.

You agree that whatever information you have from our vedson platform you will maintain it as a confidential data and you will also inform your staff or any other affiliates who is using your account on our platform.

You may not release any press release or advertise or public statement related to our services, trademark, brand name, logo, promotional activities in any way without our written permission or misrepresent relation between us in anyway.

You agree that for any transactional data/buyer data you must keep the records as applicable with the law of Indian government or Tax authority, so in such limits if government or tax authority ask you for the data than you must produce that data to them and it will be your sole responsibility to produce such data. For any producing of such data we will not be responsible or liable if you don’t produce such data to the authority or Indian government.

3. Service Fee Payment / Marketplace Fees payment

You will be able to see the service fees/marketplace fees in Seller Fee Structure policy. You agree that you are responsible for all your expenses, unless this agreement or the applicable service terms provide otherwise. For registering on the vedson site you have to give your valid bank account information with bank account in your name with a bank located in India. We may also ask you your credit card if we require and you agree that you will give the credit card details to us if we require. Vedson will make all payment to your bank account, via cheque or electronic transfer or other means as specified by us. You authorize us to verify your information or any updated information, to obtain credit authorizations from the issuer of your credit card, to obtain credit reports about you from time to time, and to charge your credit card or debit your bank account for any sums payable by you to us ( in reimbursement or otherwise). If you provide vedson with incomplete information with respect to your bank account than you agree that vedson shall not be liable for any failure to make payments to you due to your incomplete information regarding your bank account. And if the payment goes to some other other than also you are only responsible for that, vedson will not be responsible for any wrong transaction due to your fault.

In addition to charging payable sums to your credit card or debit your bank account we may also choose to either a) offset against any payments we may make to you for any of your order or any amount that are payable by you to us ( in reimbursement or otherwise). b) Invoice you for the amount due to us, in this case you will pay the invoiced amounts upon receipt of the invoice by you. All amount will be expressed and debited/credited in local currency INR and all payment we will make to you or you will make to us must be only in INR.

If we found that we have made you more payments, or duplication of transactions, or errors in the transaction that we reserve the right to seek reimbursement from you by deducting from your future payments which we will be paying to you or owed to you, charging your credit card or debit your bank account or seeking such reimbursement from you by any other lawful means for any sums payable by you to us.

If we found based on information available with us that your actions and/or performance in connection with this seller terms of use agreement may result in a significant number of chargebacks, customer disputes or other claims in connection with vedson platform, than we may in our sole discretion and subject to applicable law delay in initiating any payments to be made to you or due to you under this seller terms of use agreement until completion of any investigation/s regarding your actions and/or performance in connection with seller terms of use agreement.

You agree that we are entitled to the interest of 2% per month for the due amount of your which you need to pay to us according to our policy within 7 days of the due date amount/ledger statement. If seller is unable to pay the due amount than 2% per month interest will be charged to your account as interest from the due date amount/ledger statement.

4 Seller account Deactivation/Termination

This agreement will start on the date you complete your registration with us for use of any services of our by you. You as a seller may delete or terminate your account anytime you want as per your wish subject to if there is any dues of yours you have to pay to us than in that case also you are liable to pay the dues to us even if you have deleted or terminated your seller account. You may also contact our seller support to terminate or delete your seller account, and on our convenience in 30 to 60 days we will terminate your seller account, but dues whatever you have to pay to us that you are liable to pay to us in any case. Before closure/terminate/deleting your seller account you will able to download all the statement, payments, invoices, commission invoices and reports which is available in seller account of your from or vedson seller portal. We may also terminate your seller account if we found or get knowledge that 1) you are breaching the seller terms of use agreement and failed to do as per applicable terms of use. 2) if due to your breach we found or get knowledge that due to your breach we are exposed to the third party liability than immediately we can terminate your seller account. 3) if we found or get knowledge that your account is been used for fraudulently or illegal activities. 4) if we found or get knowledge that your activities can harm other sellers, users, buyers and vedson interest or vedson goodwill/image is getting harmed than immediately we will terminate your seller account. You can also send us explanation why your seller account should not be terminated, after reviewing your explanation we may again start your seller account but again starting of your seller account will be our sole discretion decision and it will be final. On termination of seller agreement all your related rights and obligations under this agreement immediately terminate, except you will be responsible for performance of all your earlier obligations and liabilities of the connections of the earlier transactions or any other liability which is on you from any other person or entity because of your any doing or any performance on our website and vedson platform.

If your account is terminated/deleted/closed than also your information will be retained by Vedson at all times such as email, mobile number, GSTIN, legal documents, other transactions related information and other information which you have provided to us on Vedson Platform or offline mode. Such information will be retained for the audit purpose, government department purpose and to prevent fraudulent acts by the seller in future. If the seller wants to create a new account again than seller must contact our seller support and we can activate old account of seller or create a new account for seller that will depend on vedson.

5. Limited License to seller

Vedson grants sellers a limited, non exclusive, non-sub licensable, non-assignable, non-transferable and personal license to use “Powered by Vedson” and/or “” name and/or logo on sellers invoice and on packing material used by sellers for delivery of the products sold and transactions concluded and done on vedson platform. If we found that seller is misusing vedson logo or website name or vedson platform to increase their own business separately other than vedson platform than we will take legal action against that seller and you agree that you will be responsible for the consequences.

6. License to Vedson

You agree to grant us a royalty free, worldwide right, non-exclusive and license for the time up to which you have been permitted to grant the said license under the applicable law of your original license or any derivative intellectual property rights you got as per under the applicable law, and you agree and grant us permission to use your materials for the vedson services and to sublicense the foregoing rights to our affiliates, marketing associates, sister concern and any party associated with us to whom we give permission to use your original license or any derivative intellectual property rights. We will not alter any of your trademarks provided by you, we will only re-size trademarks as it is necessary for presentation, so that relative proportion of the trademark remains same. You agree that we can use your materials without your consent and you agree that no license is required from you or your affiliates or associates to use your original license, trademarks, derivative intellectual property under applicable law, copyright law, trademark law or valid license from a third party of yours.

7. Vedson Platform for Transaction and communication

You agree that when you use Vedson Platform and you give us consent to receive communications via electronic records from us periodically or as and when required. You agree that we may communicate with you by email, or any other mode of communication offline/online or otherwise. You also agree that once you use Vedson Platform,, send email, contact us by phone/mobile on our customer care or our officer/employee that you are sending the communication by electronic, email or other communication mode with us.


You agree, understand and acknowledge us that our website and VEDSON PLATFORM that users, visitors, any company, any other organization, any other entity use to meet and interact with sellers independently. You agree that you come and use our website and VEDSON PLATFORM to sell products/item to users/visitors/buyers. You agree that all commercial/contract terms of the sales will be between you and the buyer alone including price, quality, quantity, shipping, payment methods date, period, mode of delivery, warranties, services, after sales services related to products or services, or any other kind of service of product or services. Vedson does not advise, determine, have any control or in any way involve itself in the offering or acceptance of the commercial/contract terms between you and buyers.

You agree and acknowledge that, VEDSON PLATFORM and VEDSON ECOMMERCE PRIVATE LIMITED is only facilitator and is not a party to or control in any manner any transaction between the customer and the seller (you). You agree that commercial/contract terms will be only between buyer customer and seller (you) on website or mobile application or offline services. You agree that and VEDSON PLATFORM and VEDSON ECOMMERCE PRIVATE LIMITED will not be liable and cannot be any party for any dispute in any court of law in India/Outside India, in any other governing bodies in India/Outside India, in any organization in India/Outside India or any other place in India/Outside India. Vedson does not support or endorse any of your product or services sales or purchase on the platform.

Vedson does not make any representations and warranties regarding specifies price, quantity, quality or any other services of the product or services, proposed to be sold, offered to sold or purchase from the platform. You agree that vedson does not have any liability for any errors or omission of the product or services of the third parties in relation to the products and services you or any other seller is selling on vedson.

You agree that in contract or party will be only between customer buyer and seller(you) on our website or mobile application or VEDSON PLATFORM. Customer Buyer and Sellers(you) cannot make party VEDSON PLATFORM or VEDSON ECOMMERCE PRIVATE LIMITED or our website in any court of law in India/Outside India, in any other governing bodies in India/Outside India, in any organization in India/Outside India or any other place in India/Outside India. All commercial transaction are done between buyer and seller(you) only,, VEDSON PLATFORM and VEDSON ECOMMERCE PRIVATE LIMITED is not responsible for any pricing related issue, product related issue, service, after sales service, warranties, guarantees, deliveries and any other things which, VEDSON PLATFORM and VEDSON ECOMMERCE PRIVATE LIMITED does not have the control on it. All pricing, discounts offers, promotional offers, exchange offers, replacement, returns, refunds are from sellers(you) or brands or manufacturers and and VEDSON PLATFORM does not offer this all. You agree and acknowledge us that transaction and sales are purely between buyer customer and seller(you) on and VEDSON PLATFORM. In case any order is canceled by the seller than amount must be refunded to the buyer by you if in any case you have received the excess amount or order amount before you have shipped product to the buyer. Or we may pay to the buyer on behalf of you and you have to reimburse us the same amount by transferring the same amount into our bank account or you authorize us to adjust that amount from your statement of accounts of all orders consolidated together amount from that amount we will deduct the due amount of your which you have to pay to us and we will pay to you balance remaining amount of your other orders which will be mentioned in Statement of Accounts.

We shall neither be liable nor responsible for any non performance, breach of any condition, contract or inactions of customer/buyer of the products or any other information given on the website by the customer/buyer on our website and VEDSON PLATFORM. and VEDSON PLATFORM does not guarantee that buyer and seller will perform any transaction concluded on our website or VEDSON PLATFORM.

We shall not mediate or resolve any dispute or disagreement between buyer and the seller(you) or manufacturer(you) of the product on our website or VEDSON PLATFORM. We do not support or endorse any sales of any products on our website or VEDSON PLATFORM. We have right to involve anytime in any dispute (including returns, replacement, refunds or any other issues related to the product/service) on our website and VEDSON PLATFORM online/offline only to solve dispute amicably between buyer and seller(you) for,VEDSON PLATFORM and VEDSON ECOMMERCE PRIVATE LIMITED brand name and fame/image of our company and our website. You agree that if any dispute happens between buyer and seller(you) than in no case, VEDSON PLATFORM or VEDSON ECOMMERCE PRIVATE LIMITED you will not involve or make any party in can of any dispute between buyer and seller(you) in any court of law in India/Outside India, in any other governing bodies in India/Outside India, in any organization in India/Outside India or any other place in India/Outside India. You agree that in any dispute between buyer and seller (you) you will not involve or you will not make party to our website, VEDSON PLATFORM and VEDSON ECOMMERCE PRIVATE LIMITED in any court of law in India/Outside India, in any other governing bodies in India/Outside India, in any organization in India/Outside India or any other place in India/Outside India. You agree that dispute and party will be only between customer buyer and seller in any court of law in India/Outside India, in any other governing bodies in India/Outside India, in any organization in India/Outside India or any other place in India/Outside India.

In any case, VEDSON PLATFORM and VEDSON ECOMMERCE PRIVATE LIMITED does not come into taking possession of the product or any services and does not take title of the product or service but it will be only the seller (you) who is offering that product or services.

Vedson does not make any representations or warranties like credit worthiness, legal title etc, regarding any of its buyers. You are advised to verify the buyers with whom you deal with on vedson platform. Vedson will not be responsible for any non fulfillment of the contract or payment from the buyer to the seller.

Regarding the GST Tax Credit to the customer/buyer, any other tax credit or Payment of GST or any other taxes to the tax authority seller is only responsible to pay all the amount. You agree and acknowledge us that the input GST Tax Credit / any other tax credit related issued you as a seller will be sorting out with buyer only. In case seller(you) does not pay the GST Tax/any other tax than it is sellers responsibility to pay GST Tax/any other tax to the tax authority and it is sellers responsibility to pay taxes such that buyer can get input tax credit if buyer is eligible to get the input tax credit.

You agree that for any unsatisfied, underperformance, services, damaged products, delay in delivery, warranties, guarantee of products or services which is offered by seller(you), manufacturer(you), brands(you), of any other third party services/products for the fulfillment of order or any other thing you will be only responsible for all the consequences., VEDSON PLATFORM and VEDSON ECOMMERCE PRIVATE LIMITED is not responsible for the consequences.

When any customer buy the product it is sole responsibility of the seller to take insurance of the product up till the product is reached to the customer in forward shipment when seller ship product 1st time to the customer, in case of returns/replacement/exchange seller is responsible to take insurance of the product until it is reached again to the seller. In case any damage to the product or any misplacement of the product in shipping by the shipping company than compensation amount will be only limited to the shipping company policy and it will be totally depend on the shipping company how much to give the compensation to the seller. Seller is 100% responsible for the insurance and other product/services safety up till it reached to the buyer. And in case of returns/replacement/exchange of the product seller is 100% responsible for the insurance of the product/services and any other safety up till it reached from buyer to seller back and vise versa.

You agree that you are responsible for any delay i

n delivery, returns, replacement, refunds, product quality which you have sold on our vedson platform or

You release and indemnify our website, VEDSON PLATFORM and VEDSON ECOMMERCE PRIVATE LIMITED, its officers, its directors, its staff and representatives from any cost, damage, liability or any other consequences of any actions of the users and sellers and waive any claims that you may have of the product, person, users or sellers. We only provide information which other users and sellers are providing on the website and platform. We are not responsible for any such information which is given by users or sellers on our website and VEDSON PLATFORM. You are advised to independently verify the genuineness or correctness of any particular user/buyer/customer that you choose to deal with and use your best Judgment in that behalf to deal on our website, VEDSON PLATFORM and VEDSON ECOMMERCE PRIVATE LIMITED.

Vedson is the platform from which you can reach to a large number of customers and buyers base to sell items or services. You agree that Vedson is only providing the platform and the commercial / contract for item or services will be strictly between you and the buyer only.

8. Representation of seller

You agree, represents and warrants that each party is 1) if it is a business than it is duly organized, it is existing under the laws of the Indian government in which state it is and you must be a resident of India for income tax purpose for every financial year. 2) you and your company will comply all law regarding to the sales and purchase of the Indian Government and other tax authority as per their rules time to time. Whatever obligation and your right under this agreement you must exercise to it. And you will be only responsible for any obligation with the Indian Government or any Tax authority for your sales or purchase or any other activity on vedson platform. 3) you agree that you have all requisite right, authority and power to enter into this agreement and perform its obligations and grant the rights, license and authorization to vedson and its affiliate. 4) each party is not subject to sanctions or prohibited or restricted parties or controlled by such a party including but not limited to the list maintained by the united nations, European union, US Government, or Indian Government or any Indian States or any other member states or other applicable government authority. If we found that any misrepresentation in this is done by the seller than vedson has right to terminate or deactivate your account from vedson platform.

9. Compliance of GST/Taxes on selling of Goods and Services

You agree that you will be compliance with the provisions of Integrated Goods and Services Tax (IGST), Central Goods and Services Tax (CGST), State Goods and Services Tax (SGST) and Union Territory Goods and Services Tax (UTGST) in respect of the goods/services supplied by you. You agree that it is you responsibility to charge appropriate GST on the goods/services you sell on vedson and collect it from the buyer. You agree that it is your responsibility to pay GST or any other tax to the Indian Government or Tax authority for the sales of goods/services you have done on vedson platform.

You agree that you are solely responsible for preparing, making and filing any tax audit report and any other statutory report to the Indian government/tax authority and other filings and responding to the tax or financial audits.

You agree that vedson is not responsible for any collection of taxes from the buyer for goods/services you sell on vedson platform. You agree that vedson is not responsible for any payment of taxes which you have collected from the buyer for the sales of products/services you have done on vedson platform. You agree that vedson shall not be responsible for any deficiency and/or omission on your part.

You agree that tax collection at source (TCS) under IGST, CGST, SGST and UTGST, vedson platform would collect tax collection at source (TCS) at applicable rates on net value of taxable supplies made through the vedson platform and that amount we will remit to the appropriate Government. If due to any error or omission from your side in the pricing, taxes or any other mistake in any of the sales you have done on vedson platform, for that if any deficit TCS or any taxes we have to pay to the government than you agree that you will pay us immediately within 5 days from the date of our intimation to you or you agree that we may deduct that amount from your other sales amount which we will be paying to you in your bank account.

You agree that in case of any mismatches on account of tax collect at source (TCS), you shall be required to provide all the information to vedson and than vedson will correspond with the relevant information to the relevant authorities. You agree that if in case of any liability accruing due to omission or errors that shall be your obligation to pay such deficit amount.

You shall be required to provide Harmonised System Nomenclature code (HSN Code) for every product/services listing and also appropriate GST % with that HSN Code. HSN code is mandatory for any product listing, if in case you are not providing HSN Code for any product listing than we will delist that product/services listing and you will no longer be able to sell the product/services on our vedson platform.

You have to provide us your GSTIN number, GSTIN Certificate, PAN Number, TAN Number, and any other documents required by us without which we will not be able to raise invoice on you. If you are not providing above information transactions on your account will be blocked and the orders will not be processed on your account. And also we may hold your amount which is with us of any orders.

You are free to sell your products/services on any other platform. We do not compel anyone to sell exclusively on our platform, you as a seller is free to sell your products/services anywhere and on any other platform also. If anyone from our company has given you in writing or oral that you can exclusively sell on our platform than it must be waived off, we by this seller terms of use agreement convey you that you are free to sell your products anywhere and in any other platform as per your wish.

You agree that if for any reason any TCS, TDS, GST, withholding tax, income tax or any other dues or taxes under applicable law are determined to be deducted and deposited on any payments or remittance to you anytime than vedson will have right to deduct and deposit any such applicable taxes with the appropriate regulatory authority and that amount will be deducted/adjusted/set-off from your any old order payment or any future order payment. You agree that you will not make any claim on vedson in respect of the taxes deposited by the vedson on behalf of you to the regulatory authority.

In case if we require any GST return, audit report, or any financial report from you than you agree that you will give us on immediate basis, and if you don’t give us what is required by us than for that you will be only responsible for all the consequences.

You agree and undertake that you shall not at any time purchase more than 25% of your inventory to sell on vedson platform or its group companies.

You agree that in case of any discrepancy in the reporting/returns filed by you and vedson than you will resolve such discrepancy immediately with the vedson and indemnify vedson against any tax, interest and penalty payable in this regards. You agree that if you file any discrepancy in the reporting/returns than all the responsibility will be of yours and you will be liable for the same.

You are responsible to pay all fees associated with the use of the vedson platform and charges collected in respected of such usage, you agree to bear all the applicable taxes, charges, cesses levied or any other government taxes on such sales or usage of our vedson platform. You agree to pay all GST( IGST,CGST,SGST,UGST) as per application law of GST.

GST rate will be applicable on Ship from and Ship to locations. GST rates must be applied according to where the goods/services will be consumed.

In certain transactions, bill to location and ship to location could be different. In that case bill to location has no relevance, the levy of GST would depend on the ship from and ship to location only.

Ship from location (pickup address) means from where the shipment originates i.e the location from where the goods are actually shipped to the customer.

Ship to location means the location to which shipment is destined i.e the destination State/UT

1) Shipments where ship-from location and ship-to location are in the same State/UT: In this case CGST and SGST/UTGT will be applicable where ship-from location and ship-to location are in the same state/UT i.e the movement of goods is within the same State/UT. CGST and SGST/UTGT rate will be of the destination State/UT (i.e Ship to location)

2) Shipments where ship-from location and ship-to location are in the different State/UT: In this case IGST will be applicable where ship-from location and ship-to location are in the different State/UT i.e the movement of goods is from another State/UT.

3 things seller has to keep in mind while determining tax jurisdiction and tax type of services.

Location of the supplier

Location of the recipient

Place of supply of the service/goods

a) Invoice Generation – You as a seller agree that it is the sole and primary responsibility of the seller to issue correct and complete invoice for any sales seller does on vedson platform. Vedson platform will only assist you with this process by generating any invoice on seller behalf. You agree that it is not vedson responsibility to issue correct and complete invoice. You must provide proper GSTIN, PAN Number, TAN Number, CIN Number your address mentioned in GSTIN and digital image of your signature which will be printed on the invoice. Than invoice will be regenerated and sent to the seller for any order. The seller must take print out of the invoice, sign the invoice physically and then affix the same invoice on the consignment which is mandatory. The invoice generated on vedson platform is mandatory to affix on the consignment/box. You agree that if there is any error or omission in issuing the invoice and due to that any liability occurs and imposed by taxation authorities for any error, omission, discrepancy in the sales invoice than you will only be solely liable and responsible you will only pay such liability to the taxation authorities.

The seller shall ensure that invoices must state ‘Order Placed Through Vedson’ and failing to do so, as seller shall be liable to chargebacks (as applicable).

b) Bank account Details and payments

Seller must provide bank account details during seller registration process and vedson shall make payments into the bank account provided by a seller. You agree that once vedson has made payments into such bank account number, vedson shall be discharged of any/all liabilities toward the seller and the seller shall not be eligible for any claims whatsoever thereafter.

As a seller you agree that vedson will make the payment as per the payment settlement policy. Any payments will be as per RBI guidelines. Seller agrees that if any delay in payment due to any RBI guideline or any other issue vedson is not responsible for any such delay in the payment and it will not be considered as a default in payment by vedson. If at any time seller is violating sellers terms of use or any other vedson policies than you agree that vedson has full right to withhold the payment of any order of the seller.

Seller agree and acknowledge that vedson will not be liable for any damages, interests, claims, NPA etc resulting from not processing a transaction/payment or any delay in processing a transaction/payment that is beyond the control of the vedson.

c) Chargebacks

You as a seller agree that in case of any chargeback levied by the bank, vedson shall have the right to deduct such chargeback from sellers remittances, future or present or past and it is sellers responsibility to discuss with the bank and resolve the same with the bank. As a seller you agree that it is seller responsibility in cooperation and seller responsibility in resolving the chargeback disputes raised by the buyer through the bank and seller should provide all necessary documentation regarding the transaction to the complete satisfaction of the bank and banks decision will be final. In case the chargeback is ruled against a seller, you agree that vedson shall be entitled and authorized to recover the same from the seller from old or new orders payment, or by any other legal way or to inform the sellers bank to remit the same amount to vedson from sellers account/hold that much amount as a lien in the sellers bank account. In case of chargeback banks decision will be final and binding to the seller in any case. You agree that in any chargeback vedson platform is not responsible and is not liable for any chargeback, all chargeback seller has to bear. In case any excess payment has been paid to the seller in such case excess payments shall be set-off from any future payments payable by the vedson to the seller of old/present/future orders. If we are required by law or by administration to collect any value added services, sales, use, GST, TCS, TDS or any other tax amount from you than you will pay such taxes to us in any case.

d) Payment confirmation delay

Vedson may delay in notifying the payment confirmation of any order to the seller. If any high value transaction volumes buyer conducts than payment confirmation may take some time if it is found suspicious. If any law enforcement officials ask vedson to hold the payment which vedson has received from the buyer, not inform seller to dispatch the product/services, vedson can also remit the order amount to the law enforcement officials in event of the buyer being engaged in any form of illegal activity by not remitting the amount back to the buyer.

e) Returns

In case of return of products/services which is already invoiced, it is sellers responsibility to show that return products amount in the GST filing and it is sellers responsibility to take credit of that returned product from the GST department.

In returns of the products/services if Tax collected at source (TCS) is paid to the Government/Tax authority by Vedson on behalf of the Seller than seller agrees that amount of TCS vedson can recover from the old or new sales payments, any other way, by asking sellers bank to mark that amount lien and than transfer to Vedson bank account. You agree and authorize us that such any amount remaining to pay by the seller to vedson than we can adjust that amount from any order payment or we can adjust in the statement of account which is consolidated statement for all orders which we will pay to the seller.

10. Indemnification

1) You release and indemnify our website, VEDSON PLATFORM and VEDSON ECOMMERCE PRIVATE LIMITED, its officers, its directors, its staff, its affiliates, agents and representatives from any third party claims, cost, damage, loss, settlement, taxes, expenses, liability, any attorney fees or any other consequences of any actions of the users and sellers and waive any claims that you may have due to below your activities a) due to your actual or breach of any representation you have made, b) your products including offers, returns, replacement, fulfillment, shipment, cancellation, refund, adjustment, any sales channels owned and operated by you, c) any infringement, intellectual property or trademark related to your products, any person injury or death or property damage (injury, death or property damage is not due to vedson), d) your taxes/duties/payment/failure to collect which you have to collect from the buyer for the transaction which you have done on vedson, e) your taxes/duties/payment/failure to pay taxes to the government/tax authority which you have to pay to the government/tax authority for the transaction which you have done on vedson, f) in case you are failure to meet the tax law registration obligation, g) non compliance with any applicable laws due to your product/services or any of your activities. You agree that you indemnify our website, VEDSON PLATFORM and VEDSON ECOMMERCE PRIVATE LIMITED, its officers, its directors, its staff, its affiliates, agents and representatives from all this your above liability.

2) If due to this indemnity claim might adversely affect us than we can anytime permitted by the law to defend us voluntarily at our own expense and if we found that any person/company is trying to claim us unnecessary than all cost and expenses of the attorney and other fees that person/company has to pay us at their own expense.

3) No person/company can enter into a settlement or judgment without vedson consent. If you want to enter into settlement or judgment by your own expense and it will affect that party only and not to vedson than you may enter into at your own will.

11. Insurance

You agree that it is sole responsibility of the seller to take insurance of the product until the product is reached to the customer for any product/item/services you sell on vedson platform, in case of returns, replacement, exchange seller is responsible to take insurance of the product until it is reached again to the seller. In case any damage to the product or any misplacement of the product happens in shipping by the shipping company than compensation amount will be only limited to the shipping companies policy and it will be totally depend on the shipping company how much compensation shipping company will give to the seller. Seller is 100% responsible for the insurance and other product/services safety until it reached to the buyer. And in case of returns/replacement/refund/exchange seller is 100% responsible and liable for the insurance of the product/services and any other safety until it reached from buyer to seller back and vise versa. You indemnify us that if in case you do not have taken insurance than you will not claim any amount from the vedson in case of any damage, lost, losses or any other damage to the products/services which you have shipped of the sales you have done on vedson platform. You agree that it is not vedson responsibility to take insurance of the products/services seller sell on vedson platform and vedson is not liable to pay any claim to seller if in case any damage, loss, courier lost or any other damage or amount loss to the product/services happens in shipping or during completing/return/refund/replacements of the order by seller.

12. Disclaimer

Our website and Vedson platform and its services, software, mobile application, content, functions, material, content and information available and any services provided in connection with the services are on “As Is” basis. As a user, seller, buyers vedson is giving services by our website and vedson platform and whatever services you use must use by your own risk. You agree and indemnify us that whatever information and content is there on our website or vedson platform it is liability of the person/company posted on our website or vedson platform, vedson is not responsible for any correctness, accurate or completeness of the product/service information. From time to time you must give and update all information related to your listing of your products/services on vedson platform.

You agree, understand and acknowledge us that our website and VEDSON PLATFORM that users, visitors, any company, any other organization, any other entity use to meet and interact with sellers independently. You agree that you come and use our website and VEDSON PLATFORM to sell products/item to users/visitors/buyers. You agree that all commercial/contract terms of the sales will be between seller and the buyer alone including price, quality, quantity, shipping, payment methods date, period, mode of delivery, warranties, services, after sales services related to products or services, or any other kind of service of product or services. Vedson does not advise, determine, have any control or in any way involve itself in the offering or acceptance of the commercial/contract terms between seller and buyer.

You agree and acknowledge that, VEDSON PLATFORM and VEDSON ECOMMERCE PRIVATE LIMITED is only facilitator and is not a party to or control in any manner any transaction between the customer and the seller (you). You agree that commercial/contract terms will be only between buyer customer and seller (you) on website or mobile application or offline services. You agree that and VEDSON PLATFORM and VEDSON ECOMMERCE PRIVATE LIMITED will not be liable and cannot be any party for any dispute in any court of law in India/Outside India, in any other governing bodies in India/Outside India, in any organization in India/Outside India or any other place in India/Outside India. Vedson does not support or endorse any of your product or services sales or purchase on the platform. Vedson does not make any representations and warranties regarding specifies price, quantity, quality or any other services of the product or services, proposed to be sold, offered to sold or purchase from the platform. You agree that vedson does not have any liability for any errors or omission of the product or services of the third parties in relation to the products and services you or any other seller is selling on vedson.

You agree that in contract or party will be only between customer buyer and seller (you) on our website or mobile application or VEDSON PLATFORM. Customer Buyer and Seller (you) cannot make party to VEDSON PLATFORM or VEDSON ECOMMERCE PRIVATE LIMITED or our website in any court of law in India/Outside India, in any other governing bodies in India/Outside India, in any organization in India/Outside India or any other place in India/Outside India. All commercial transaction are done between buyer and seller(you) only,, VEDSON PLATFORM and VEDSON ECOMMERCE PRIVATE LIMITED is not responsible for any pricing related issue, product related issue, service, after sales service, warranties, guarantees, deliveries and any other things which, VEDSON PLATFORM and VEDSON ECOMMERCE PRIVATE LIMITED does not have the control on it. All pricing, discounts offers, promotional offers, exchange offers, replacement, returns, refunds are from sellers(you) or brands and and VEDSON PLATFORM does not offer this all. You agree and acknowledge us that transaction and sales are purely between buyer customer and seller (you) on and VEDSON PLATFORM. In case any order is canceled by the seller than amount must be refunded to the buyer by you if in any case you have received the excess amount or order amount before you have shipped product to the buyer

We shall neither be liable nor responsible for any non performance, breach of any condition, contract or inactions of customer/buyer of the products or any other information given on the website by the customer/buyer on our website and VEDSON PLATFORM. and VEDSON PLATFORM does not guarantee that buyer and seller will perform any transaction concluded on our website or VEDSON PLATFORM.

We shall not mediate or resolve any dispute or disagreement between buyer and the seller (you) or manufacturer(you) of the product on our website or VEDSON PLATFORM. We do not support or endorse any sales of any products on our website or VEDSON PLATFORM. We have right to involve anytime in any dispute (including returns, replacement, refunds exchange or any related to the product) on our website and VEDSON PLATFORM online/offline only to solve dispute amicably between buyer and seller(you) for,VEDSON PLATFORM and VEDSON ECOMMERCE PRIVATE LIMITED Brand name, fame and image of our company and our website. You agree that if any dispute happens between buyer and seller (you) than in no case, VEDSON PLATFORM or VEDSON ECOMMERCE PRIVATE LIMITED you will not involve or make any party in case of any dispute between buyer and seller (you) in any court of law in India/Outside India, in any other governing bodies in India/Outside India, in any organization in India/Outside India or any other place in India/Outside India. You agree that in any dispute between buyer and seller (you) you will not involve or you will not make party to our website, VEDSON PLATFORM and VEDSON ECOMMERCE PRIVATE LIMITED in any court of law in India/Outside India, in any other governing bodies in India/Outside India, in any organization in India/Outside India or any other place in India/Outside India. You agree that dispute and party will be only between customer buyer and seller in any court of law in India/Outside India, in any other governing bodies in India/Outside India, in any organization in India/Outside India or any other place in India/Outside India.

In any case, VEDSON PLATFORM and VEDSON ECOMMERCE PRIVATE LIMITED does not come into taking possession of the product or any services and does not take title of the product or service but it will be only the sellers (you) who is offering that product or services.

Vedson does not make any representations or warranties like credit worthiness, legal title etc, regarding any of its buyers. You are advised to verify the buyers with whom you deal with on vedson platform. Vedson will not be responsible for any non fulfillment of the contract or payment from the buyer to the seller.

Regarding the GST Tax Credit to the customer/buyer, any other tax credit or Payment of GST or any other taxes to the tax authority seller is only responsible to pay all the amount. You agree and acknowledge us that the input GST Tax Credit / any other tax credit related issued you as a seller will be sorting out with buyer only. In case seller(you) does not pay the GST Tax/any other tax than it is sellers responsibility to pay GST Tax/any other tax to the tax authority and it is sellers responsibility to pay taxes such that buyer can get input tax credit if buyer is eligible to get the input tax credit.

You agree that for any unsatisfied, underperformance, services, damaged products, delay in delivery, warranties, guarantee of products or services which is offered by seller(you), manufacturer(you), brands(you), of any other third party services/products for the fulfillment of order or any other thing you will be only responsible for all the consequences., VEDSON PLATFORM and VEDSON ECOMMERCE PRIVATE LIMITED is not responsible for the consequences.

When any customer buy the product it is sole responsibility of the seller to take insurance of the product until the product is reached to the customer, in case of returns, replacement, exchange seller is responsible to take insurance of the product until it is reached again to the seller. In case any damage to the product or any misplacement of the product in shipping by the shipping company than compensation amount will be only limited to the shipping company policy and it will be totally depend on the shipping company how much to give the compensation to the seller. Seller is 100% responsible for the insurance and other product/services safety uptil it reached to the buyer. And in case of returns/replacement seller is 100% responsible for the insurance of the product/services and any other safety uptil it reached from buyer to seller back and vise versa.

You agree that you are responsible for any delay in delivery, returns, replacement, refund, product quality which you have sold on our vedson platform or

Vedson is not involved in any transaction done on vedson platform between the buyer and seller or other participants dealings in the transaction done. If a dispute arises between any of the participants than each of you release vedson website, vedson platform, its officers, its directors, its staff, representatives, affiliates, agents from any claims, demands and actual/consequential damages of every kind of nature known/unknown, disclosed/undisclosed, suspected/unsuspected arising out of that dispute.

You release and indemnify our website, VEDSON PLATFORM and VEDSON ECOMMERCE PRIVATE LIMITED, its officers, its directors, its staff and representatives from any cost, damage, liability or any other consequences of any actions of the users and sellers and waive any claims that you may have of the product, person, users or sellers. We only provide information which other users and sellers are providing on the website and platform. We are not responsible for any such information which is given by users or sellers on our website and VEDSON PLATFORM. You are advised to independently verify the genuineness or correctness of any particular user/buyer/customer that you choose to deal with and use your best Judgment in that behalf to deal on our website, VEDSON PLATFORM and VEDSON ECOMMERCE PRIVATE LIMITED

Because Vedson is not involved in transaction between customers and sellers or other participant dealings. If a dispute arise between customer, seller or one or more participants, each of you release Vedson (and its agents, directors, affiliates, employees) from claims, demands, and damages (actual and consequential) of every kind and nature, known or unknown suspected and unsuspected, disclosed and undisclosed, arising out of or in any way connected with such disputes.

Vedson is the platform from which you can reach to a large number of customers and buyers base to sell items or services. You agree that Vedson is only providing the platform and the commercial / contract for product or services will be strictly between you and the buyer only.

We do not warrant that the functions, services which are there in our website or vedson platform will meet your requirements or be available timely, secure, uninterruptedly/error free and we will not be liable for any services interruption including but not limited to the system failure, or other failure which may affect the payment receipt, processing, acceptance, settlement or completion of any transaction which you have done on vedson platform.

13. Use of Vedson Platform

Below are some of the points which you must agree for using of our vedson platform. If any points are missing than seller terms of use agreement all points is fully included in use of vedson platform.


You agree that our aim is to give access of our website and Vedson platform to you with uninterrupted services and with less downtime. But due to some reasons for maintenance, repairs, new facilities and services availability in our website we have to suspend or restrict access at any time without any prior notice. You agree and understand that website and Vedson platform is only providing a product listing services to its sellers and person/company browsing and Vedson Platform.

You agree, acknowledge and confirm that your use of the and Vedson platform shall be strictly governed by our following terms of use and principles.

Below things you shall not post, display, upload, modify, publish or share any information which is harmful to, Vedson platform, Vedson Ecommerce Private Limited, harmful to any other person, entity, Indian Government, any other countries government which will harm relation of our country with other countries, harassing, defamatory, pornographic, racial, unethical which is objectionable, unlawful, illegal, encouraging money laundering, gambling, or any others patent related, any others copyright related, harassment to any person or any entity and other illegal activities on our website and Vedson platform.

a) All items listed, advertised and the contents posted by the user/seller are 3rd party generated contents, Vedson shall not bear any responsibility or liability in relation to or liability arising out of the 3rd party users/sellers content.

b) You have access to use, list the products and sales of the products/services on and Vedson platform.

c) You cannot use any data extraction software or tool or data mining to extract or take our data from or Vedson platform.

d) You cannot promote, list and sale any product/services on our website and Vedson platform any copyright work , intellectual property, logo, trademark, photographs/vedios/images of any other person without consent of that particular person or entity/company/firm/association of India or outside of India or of Indian Government or Any other Country Government. If any complain regarding copyright work, intellectual property, logo, trademark, photographs /videos/ images of any other person or entity/company/firm/association of India or Outside of India or from Indian Government or Any other Country Government comes to or Vedson platform than we have right to delete your listed product, to block your account, to penalize you or any other thing which, Vedson platform or Vedson Ecommerce Private Limited need to do with you.

e) You cannot access to the restricted or password protected pages or content of our website or Vedson platform, if you are found to do so we will block your access or remove/deactivate/terminate your account or any other thing which or Vedson platform need to do against you.

f) You cannot promote, list or sell illegal activities like illegal weapons, pornography, gambling, duplicate software, any images or videos of any person, any software which containers virus, Trojans, horses, easter eggs, any computer programming which will damage the computer or any other device, or anything which will be harmful to other person or entity as per Indian Government Law.

g) You cannot sell stolen products/Services on our website.

h) You cannot sell or promote any product or services which will violate the law in force.

i) You will not comment, review or any other activity on any product, service, person, entity or Indian government/Any other country Government which will harm image of that particular and which will mislead product, services, person, entity or Indian government/Any Other Country Government image in front of any other person or entity. Any information which you given on website or Vedson platform shall be true, accurate, complete and not misleading.

j) you cannot do any spam emailing, junk emails, chain letters, unsolicited mass mailing, or spamming. You cannot give wrong review or post wrong comments on our website.

k) Any thing you do shall not create liability for, Vedson platform or Vedson Ecommerce Private Limited or our other suppliers or our other partners or do not cause us to loose us of our internet service provider.

l) You cannot use any trademark, logo, or any information of, Vedson platform or Vedson Ecommerce Private Limited for any advertising or anywhere without consent of, Vedson platform or Vedson Ecommerce Private Limited.

m) You can only send links to your friends and family to see your or any other sellers product/s or service/s and if they wish than they can buy our products or services from our website or Vedson platform.

n) You cannot copy any algorithm, program, page scrape, spider, automatic device, any methodology, any other our copyright, manual process to copy, acquire, access any portion of our website/vedson platform, in anyway reproduce or make any same structure, obtain any content/material/document of our website/vedson platform, presentation of our website/vedson platform or our own creation content by way of any robot or any other software from our website or Vedson platform.

o) You agree to grant us a royalty free, worldwide right, non-exclusive and license for the time upto which you have been permitted to grant the said license under the applicable law of your original license or any derivative intellectual property rights you got as per under the applicable law, and you agree and grant us permission to use your materials for the vedson services and to sublicense the foregoing rights to our affiliates, marketing associates, sister concern and any party associated with us to whom we give permission to use your original license or any derivative intellectual property rights. We will not alter any of your trademarks provided by you, we will only re-size trademarks as it is necessary for presentation, so that relative proportion of the trademark remains same. You agree that we can use your materials without your consent and you agree that no license is required from you or your affiliates or associates to use your original license, trademarks, derivative intellectual property under applicable law, copyright law, trademark law or valid license from a third party of yours.

o) You cannot use or you cannot attempt to gain unauthorized access of any of our services, features, computer, hardware, server, product description or any other data of our server, website, Vedson platform or any of our other data for hacking, password mining or any other illegal activities. You cannot see or hack any of our user information, customer information or any sellers information or any other information on our website or Vedson platform. You agree and acknowledge us that you will not give any device, software which will give load to our server, transaction, website, Vedson platform, or any of our transaction conducted on our Vedson platform or website.

You cannot interfere with another user’s, seller’s use, enjoyment and purchase on the vedson platform. You agree that you will not use any device, software or any routine to interfere or attempt to interfere with the transactions done on vedson platform, proper working of the vedson platform.

You agree that you will not put large load on our infrastructure, server, vedson system, networks, or any system network connected with vedson.

p) Once you are using our website or Vedson platform than you are agreeing and acknowledge us that you bind with Indian Government Laws, GST Laws, Income Tax Laws, Information Technology Laws, Foreign currency Laws, or any other Laws which is in force by Indian Government and India Country.

q) you cannot engage in commercial activities and/or sales such as contents, contests, sweepstakes, advertising, or buying or selling of any virtual services/items related to our vedson platform without our prior written consent.

r) We serve the right that whatever listing you do, comment or review you give regarding any product or services or any brand we might not show on our website or Vedson platform. We have right to remove or edit that listing, content of yours on our website or Vedson platform. You are sole responsible for your listing, sales, comment or review which you have made on our website or Vedson Platform. Vedson Ecommerce Private Limited, or Vedson platform is not responsible for any liability of any of the listing, sales, comment or review you do of any product, services or any brand or any company., Vedson platform or Vedson Ecommerce Private Limited does not take any responsibility or liability of any damage, loss or any kind of claims for any listing, sales, comment or review you have done on or Vedson platform.

s) If you use voice command to use our website or Vedson platform than you agree and acknowledge us that we can use your voice for improvement of our website and Vedson platform for showing improved performance every time to you. We reserve to suspend, discontinue or change anytime in this feature any time in future.

t) You agree that you will not do any activity such that it will create liability for us or cause us to loose the services of our internet service providers (ISP) or any other suppliers.

u) You cannot list any product/services/comments which may contact restricted access, password protected page, link of any other website including yours or any other marketplace website links, hidden pages, images, videos or URL leading to other pages of any other website or any other sources. You cannot list, sell any product/services contains unauthorized videos, photographs or images or any other person minor/adult.

v) Our website, Vedson platform or Vedson Ecommerce Private Limited is merely a intermediary and does not interfere in any of the transaction between buyer and seller. The commercial/sales contract is done only and only between buyer and seller. You agree that Vedson is not liable or responsible for any loss due to sales, damage, shipments, payment collection from the buyer, refunds, return, replacement or any other kind of services regarding the products/services which seller is giving. You agree that total all liability and responsibility will be of only sellers and you indemnify vedson from the liability, losses, or any other responsibility regarding any of the sales of products/services you have done on or Vedson platform.

w) you cannot sell, list or promote/advertise illegal or unauthorized copy of any other persons/company copyrighted work such as providing pirated software copies, computer programs, links, pirated music/videos or any other kind of copyrighted or intellectual property/trademark related products/services. You cannot list or sell any infringes any patent, trademark, 3rd parties trade secret or 3rd parties buyers/sellers details, copyright, proprietary rights, rights of publicity, stolen products or fraudulent.

x) Our website and Vedson platform and its services, software, mobile application, content, functions, material, content and information available and any services provided in connection with the services are on “As Is” basis. As a user, seller, buyer vedson is giving services by our website and vedson platform and whatever services you use must use by your own risk. You agree and indemnify us that whatever information and content is there on our website or vedson platform it is liability of the person/company posted on our website or vedson platform, vedson is not responsible for any correctness, accurate or completeness of the product/service information. From time to time you must give and update all information related to your listing of your products/services on vedson platform.

x) It is possible that other users or hackers may post any comment or information on vedson platform and you may be involuntarily exposed to such material. It is also possible for others to obtain your personal information/transaction information due to some hacking or some other users activities or you have posted some information on vedson platform or any other places, which may harm you or may not harm you physically/mentally/transactional for this you agree and acknowledge us that we are not responsible or liable for any loss or damage happened to you. We do not approve any such unauthorized uses by using our platform , you agree and acknowledge us that we are not responsible for any information that you publicly disclose or share on our platform.

x) You cannot promote, list or sell directly or indirectly or attempt to offer trade of the restricted or prohibited items in any manner under the provision of applicable laws of Indian Government, rules, regulations for the time being in force.

y) You cannot list, advertise, comment or sell any products/services which may harm dignity, defense, security, integrity, unity, peace of Indian Government/Indian States with foreign countries, or public law and order, insulting any other nations, insulting/harming/hurting any religious or national sentiments.

z) You shall not make any negative comments, statement, defamatory statements/comments about us, our website, vedson platform, our brand name, trademark including vedson, vedson platform,, or any other name which may harm/defame/lower our reputation, name and fame, goodwill, trade name, service mark, which is owned by us or used by us.

aa) You agree that you will be compliance all the time with Information Technology act 2000 and other rules and law of the Indian Government, Tax Authority, RBI, any other government agencies/organization regarding food, technology, electronics, and/or any other categories/products related agencies Foreign exchange law, GST Law, FSSAI, any license required to use our platform. You agree that you will not sell any restricted items on our vedson platform. Any artwork should not be exported and you should not sell such artwork under Antiquities and art treasure act 1972 and you should ensure that it should not be delivered to any buyer outside India.

ab) You agree and acknowledge that we have full right to share/disclose any of sellers, users, buyers personal/transactional information to any of the government authority to satisfy any law.

ac) You agree that whatever listing, sales, returns, replacement, refunds, advertisement, shipments, warranties, guarantees or anything related to products/services you do on our vedson platform than you are only responsible and liable for all the consequences of the products/services. We shall not be responsible or liable for any losses or damages happen due to your dealings on our vedson platform.

ad) You agree and acknowledge us that vedson has full right to take necessary action against you, your associate, group of people who has done any damage to vedson goodwill, image, trademark, financial losses intentionally or unintentionally.

14. Limitation of Vedson Liability

We will not be liable or responsible for any pricing related issue, product related issue, service, after sales service, warranties, guarantees, deliveries, investments of your or your affiliates for this agreement, loss of profit, loss of revenue, business, cost of cover, cost of recovery, recovery and any other things which, VEDSON PLATFORM and VEDSON ECOMMERCE PRIVATE LIMITED does not have the control on it even if vedson has been advised of such damages or cost. Even if in rare to rare cases our agreement liability will be only be as much as you have paid to us commission in the prior 2 month of the claim you are doing (this 1 months commission we will calculate after deducting discount amount coupons we have given for your products/services to the customer and advertising/adminstrative expense we have done to sell your product and that will be only our maximum liability). For any claim you want to do it must be done within 15 days of the incident otherwise after that we are not bound to register your claim and we will not be responsible for any of the losses or damage you have got. In no event Vedson shall be liable for any incidental, indirect, special, or consequential damages of any kind in connection with this sellers terms of use agreement, even if vedson has been informed in advance of the possibility of any such damages. Even if you have got anything in writing regarding any liability vedson will bear from any of our employees, staff or any person of our company than also that writing will be nul void by this seller terms of use agreement and vedson is not liable for any damages in amount or in any consequences regarding the order of the products/services or any other kind of information on the vedson platform.

15. Force Majeure

Vedson will not be liable for any delay or failure to perform any of our obligations under this agreement by reasons, events or other matters beyond our reasonable control.

All the responsibility to fulfill the order is of seller only.

16. Payment

a) You understand, accept and agree that the payment facility provided by Vedson is neither a banking nor financial service, but merely a facilitator providing an electronic, automated online electronic payment facility for receiving payment, or cash on delivery (COD) payment, collection and remittance for transactions on the platform using the existing authorized banking infrastructure, net banking, UPI, wallet payment, Vedson Credit, debit card and credit card payment gateway (PG) network. Further, by providing payment facility, Vedson neither acts as a trustee nor fiduciary with respect to transaction or transaction price. Vedson is not responsible for any delay in the payment from the customer bank, payment gateway, our bank or your bank or any other third party fault. And in case of COD Delivery payment will depend on shipping company.

It is hereby clarified that cash on delivery (COD) option may not be available for selected products or categories, as Vedson’s Sole discretion as per Vedson policy and Vedson can change without prior notice regarding the availability of cash on delivery (COD) for any product or categories.

b) Transaction, transaction price and all commercial terms such as delivery, dispatch of products and/or services, after sales service, sales invoice, gst credit are as per principal to principal bipartite contractual obligations between sellers and buyers and the payment facility is merely used by sellers and buyers to facilitate the completion of transactions. Use of the payment facility shall not render Vedson liable or responsible for non delivery, non-receipt, non-payment, damage, breach of representations and warranties, non-provision of after sales or warranty services or fraud as regards the products and/or services listed on the platform. You release Vedson (Vedson Director, company, employee, facilitator) if your payment is late, or in case of any fraud regarding to your orders payment, chargeback and any other payment related issues. You agree that Vedson is not liable for any kind of financial, physical or mental loss.

c) You have specifically authorized Vedson or its service providers to collect, process, facilitate, remit payment to you as a seller, refund amount to buyer original payment mode account or Vedson Store Credit and/or the transaction price electronically or through cash on delivery (COD) to and from buyers in respect of transactions through payment facility. Your Relationship with Vedson is on a principal to principal basis and by accepting the seller terms of use agreement, you agree that Vedson is an independent contractor for all purposes and does not have control of or liability for the products or services that are listed on the platform and paid for by using the payment facility.

Vedson does not guarantee the identity of any user or any seller nor does it ensure that a buyer or a seller will complete a transaction. So in case of the transaction not complete you agree and release Vedson (its directors, employees, facilitator, banks) if any buyer or seller is not completing the transaction.

d) All online bank transfers from valid bank accounts are processed using the gateway provided by the respective issuing bank that supports the payment facility to provide these services of collection of payment, remittance of the payment to the users. All such online bank transfers on payment facility are also governed by the terms and conditions agreed to between a seller buyer and respective issuing bank. If for any reason the transaction is not complete that you (buyer and seller both) release us from any financial losses you release Vedson (its directors, employees and facilitators).

17. Relationship of Parties

Vedson is not an Intermediary between the customer and the seller. Vedson is not an auctioner. You and we are independent contractors and nothing in this agreement will be constructed to create a partnership, joint venture, association of person, agency, franchise, sales representative, or employment relationship between the parties.

You will not make any statement whether on your site or otherwise that would contradict anything in this section. This agreement will not create an exclusive relationship between you and us

18. Charges

Registration on the Vedson Platform is Free. Vedson does not charge any fee for browsing/registering on the platform. However before you list a product or service on Vedson for sale through the platform, we request you to review our Fee Policy, which is hereby incorporated by reference into this Seller Terms Of Use Agreement. Vedson may at its sole discretion introduce new services and modify some or all of the existing services offered on the platform. In such an event, Vedson reserves the right to introduce fees for the new services offered or amend/introduce fees for existing services as the case may be. You must see regularly Fee Structure Policy so that you will be having full knowledge regarding any change in the fee structure policy we have done. And as soon as we upload new fee structure policy it will be immediately effective from that time on our platform. All fees on Vedson Platform will be in Indian Rupees and payable to Vedson. You shall be solely responsible for compliance with all applicable laws for making payment to Vedson. You hereby agree that Vedson shall have the right to set off any amounts due and payable by you to Vedson against any payments due from Vedson to you.

19. Suggestions

If you or any of your affiliates elect to provide or make any suggestions, comments, idea, improvements or other feedback or materials to us in connection with our website or mobile application or any other services or technology which we give, you agree as per the law and our terms and conditions that you irrevocably grant to us a royalty free and worldwide license on all rights, title and interest in and to the suggestions for the duration of protection of underlying rights. In Order to protect our systems and customers, to cooperate with governmental requests, or to ensure the integrity and operation of our business and systems, we may access and disclose any information we consider necessary or appropriate, ip addresses, traffic information, usage history, post content including but not limited to user contact details. You agree that for any information or ideas or any kind of feedback you give to us you agree that you give us access and irrevocably grant to us a royalty free and worldwide license on all right, title and interest and all other things.

20. Tradmark

Vedson respects the intellectual property of others, in case you find any intellectual property has been infringed please write to us on

Website, VEDSON PLATFORM, VEDSON are trademark of VEDSON ECOMMERCE PRIVATE LIMITED. Products and services which are listed on and VEDSON PLATFORM are trademarks and owned by their own owners. Products and services which are listed on or VEDSON PLATFORM are listed by sellers of and VEDSON PLATFORM. All material, photos, image, videos, product description, product specification, logos & trademark of and VEDSON PLATFORM any other content on our website and VEDSON PLATFORM no other person can copy, publish, edit or any kind of change in the content and cannot use it at any other platform or cannot ask others to use it for commercial purpose. No one can copy our website content, algorithm or our style of website on any other platform. Products which are listed on and VEDSON PLATFORM is products of affiliate or not affiliate with,VEDSON PLATFORM and VEDSON ECOMMERCE PRIVATE LIMITED.

21. Copyright

Vedson respects the intellectual property of others, in case you feel that your work has been copied in any way that constitutes copyright infringement please write to us on

Any products and services which are listed on and VEDSON PLATFORM, logos, photos, videos, any product description, product details, audio, software, icons, digital media is the property of, VEDSON PLATFORM, VEDSON ECOMMERCE PRIVATE LIMITED or its affiliates, or its own copyright holders, sellers, authors, companies. All software used in and VEDSON PLATFORM is property of VEDSON ECOMMERCE PRIVATE LIMITED and is protected by India and International Law. No one can copy, publish, edit, upload, reproduce, distribute any material of our website and VEDSON PLATFORM in any way without our prior consent.

22. Intellectual Property

In case any person or company feels that there intellectual property rights are used than please inform us the same on We will surely do the needful.

23. Patents

In case any person or company feels that there patent rights products or services are sold on our website and VEDSON PLATFORM than please inform us the same on We will surely do the needful.

24. Indemnity

You shall indemnify and hold harmless Vedson Ecommerce Private Limited, its directors, owners, affiliates, subsidiaries, officers, employees, group companies from any claim or demand or actions including reasonable attorneys fees, made by any third party or penalty imposed due to or arising out of your breach of terms of use, privacy policy, conditions of use or any other documents or policies or your violations of any law, rules or regulations or any other right of any third party. You hereby express and agree to release Vedson Ecommerce Private Limited, its directors, owners, affiliates, subsidiaries, officers, employees, group companies from any cost, damage, liability or any consequence of any of the actions of the buyers, any other sellers, shipping partner, payment gateway, banks, customers and vendors and any claims or demands you may have under any status, contract or otherwise. All liability will be on seller, vendor, manufacturer and brand owner which are selling their products or services on and VEDSON PLATFORM.

25. Jurisdiction Law

This Seller Terms of Use Agreement, Terms & Conditions, privacy policy and any other policies on, VEDSON PLATFORM and VEDSON ECOMMERCE PRIVATE LIMITED are governed and constructed in accordance with the law of India. You agree to submit exclusive jurisdiction of the courts at Morbi, Gujarat, India. The Seller Terms of use Agreement shall be governed, interpreted and constructed in accordance with the laws of India. In any case the place of Jurisdiction shall exclusively be Morbi, Gujarat, India.

The material on the platform is presented solely for sales in India only unless specified for any country on particular product. Vedson makes no representation that the content material on the website is appropriate or available for use in other locations/countries other than India.

Our Website and VEDSON PLATFORM makes no representation that the products are available or can be used in other countries. Those who choose to access, sell on and VEDSON PLATFORM from other location/country than India it will be at their own initiative, we are not responsible for payment from customer or buyer of product/services ordered and is subject to Morbi, Gujarat, India Jurisdiction. India Laws applicable. Sell and purchase contract is between buyer and seller only. There is no liability or role of Vedson in any sales or purchase between seller and buyer.

26. Modification of Seller Terms Of Use Agreement

We will provide at least 15 days advance notice in accordance with section 17 for changes to the agreement.


However we may change or modify the agreement at any time with immediate effect for 1) for legal, abuse prevention, security reasons or fraud. 2) to change existing features or add additional features to our services 3) to restrict products or activities that we deem inappropriate, unsafe or offensive. We will notify you about any change or modification in accordance with section 17. If you continue to use our services after the effective date of any change to this agreement or any other policies on our website in accordance with this section 15 will constitute your acceptance of that change. If you don’t agree or don’t accept our modification or changes in this agreement or other policies on our website or our services related than please don’t use our website or application or services and you agree not to use our services from than onwards with immediate effect.

27. Compliance with the Law

a) You agree as a seller that seller has to sign an undertaking stating that they have obtained and will continue to maintain in force all the necessary licenses, permissions, authorizations, certificates, and permits needed to distribute, market, advertise, sell and supply the products on under applicable law, from time to time including the Food safety and standards Act 2006, Food Safety Standards Licensing and registration of food business, regulations 2011 and all applicable legislations under food safety and standards regulations time to time. Further seller must write to Vedson immediately regarding the lapse of the FSSAI license in case of receipt of any order, demand, warrant or any regulatory action with respect to the FSSAI License. You as a seller acknowledge and agrees that Vedson Ecommerce Private Limited shall be permitted to assign or otherwise furnish the undertaking to any authority or person as may be required for official purpose. You as a seller must comply with the legal metrology act 2009 and the related rules and regulations while listing of the product on Vedson Platform. Seller must mandatorily write all information of the attributes while listing products on Vedson Platform as provided under the legal metrology packaged commodity rules and the related amendments. If any of the attribute is missing at the time of listing of the new product than seller must write in detailed description all the attributes in detail which is as per the law required by Indian Government and other competent authority.

b) Seller shall ensure that no products are sourced or used in the manufacturing or in the provision of services which originate wholly or in part, from any of the prohibited countries stated in the OFAC regulations and other applicable sanctions regulations.

d) You agree that whatever personal information or financial information like name, mobile number, address, company name, email, gst number, pan number, cin number, bank account details or any other information related to your seller account you give us on and Vedson Platform for processing you warrant that such personal information was collected lawfully and there is no restriction on you under the applicable date protection law from providing such personal and financial information provided by you in according with this seller terms of use agreement, our privacy policy and any other available policies on our seller portal, website and Vedson Platform.

e) Products must adhere to the legal metrology laws and Indian labeling requirement by ensuring that the indicated weights and measurement indicated in the products or its components are commensurate with the mandatory and legal requirements of the same which make the product or component accurate, authentic and secure for the consumption or utilization by the customer. You agree and acknowledge that Vedson does not have any responsibility for the proceedings undertaken by a customer or consumer against the seller in the event of a non adherence. While in case of any complaint from the customer or consumer, the seller is obligated to answer queries on the non adherence to the legal metrology laws, failing which Vedson can temporarily or permanently terminate/suspend/block or with hold your account and amount of your account at its sole own discretion.

f) You agree and acknowledge us that you undertake sole and exclusive responsibility to ensure that the products you want to list on for sales are permissible for such a sale, you have proper invoice or authorized letter for selling the product from the dealers/distributors/manufacturer/brand and are not prohibited or restricted per one or many conditions imposed by the extant laws of the land and Vedson’s Prohibited and Restricted Items policy or our other policies in our seller panel and website.

g) Seller shall comply with all laws and regulations applicable, including but not limited to anti money laundering including ‘know your customer’ and ‘customer due diligence’ and economic sanctions laws and regulations. Neither party will engage in a transaction pursuant to this seller terms of use agreement that will cause the other party to violate such regulations.

h) If any seller is selling jewellery and there is any sale than seller shall ensure the buyers KYC in according with the prevention of anti-money laundering laws and other applicable laws. Vedson hereby disclaims any responsibility for conducting buyer KYC.

i) If any seller is selling jewellery than it is sellers responsibility to provide a hallmark certificate along with the product at the time of delivery. Seller shall be sole responsible to comply with hallmarking or other similar provisions applicable for the sale of jewellery and Vedson shall not be liable whatsoever for any non-compliance in this regard. You agree as a seller and acknowledge that Vedson has no liability and vedson is not responsible for any of the issues related to the hallmark or any other issue related to the jewellery, all issues will be sort out by the seller itself

28. Password Security

Once you start using our website or VEDSON PLATFORM than you have to remember all details like username, password, mobile number, email address and any other details which you have filled at the time of seller account opening or creation. Any password we provide to you may be used only during the terms of access of your account to use our services electronically, list your products on our website or Vedson portal, make transactions of the orders, Ship the product, make invoice, accept the refund, to check account statement and all other services which we give on Vedson Platform. You are solely responsible for maintaining the security of your password. If you use our website, you are completely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account, username, password, mobile number, email address and any other details which you give on our website and VEDSON PLATFORM.

It is your responsibility and you agree to keep your all account information secretly with you so that no other person can use your account information. You may not disclose your password to any third party and are solely responsible for any use of or action taken under your password. You must keep updated your email address, mobile number, address and all other details in your account information details.

You agree that, VEDSON PLATFORM and VEDSON ECOMMERCE PRIVATE LIMITED shall not be liable or responsible for any activities or consequence arise in your account due to use or misuse of any information by anyone. If your password is compromised you must immediately change your password.

If you share your information with any other person or company or any other entity for any type of access of your account than you are only sole responsible and liable for any such use of your account. You agree and acknowledge that and VEDSON PLATFORM is not responsible for any misuse or any consequence happens with your account.

29. Product Description

Vedson does not warrant that product description, MRP, product image, warranty, quality of the product or other content on the platform is accurate, reliable, complete, error-free, current correct and assumes no liability in this regard.

30. Selling on Vedson must follow below steps and terms

Selling on Vedson Platform and service allows sellers to list their products on and Vedson Platform Mobile Application Android and iOS and sell their product all over India as well as when allowed all over the world.

Different Phase Of Order Processing and Completion

1) Pending - The date when your order was created.

2) Confirm – The date when your order was confirmed.

3) Ready To Ship (RTS) - The date when your order was packed and ready for dispatch.

4) Shipped - The date when your order was picked by our logistic team.

5) Delivered – The date when your order was delivered to your customer.

Steps to process an order

1) Check the New orders received under pending status.

2) Click on Manage Orders.

3) Mark the order status to “Confirm”.

4) Pack your products using Vedson branded packaging material.

5) Mark the order status to “Ready To Ship”

6) Select Shipping Company.

7) Enter LBHW details of your product in cm

8) Print Packing Slip and Invoice

9) Pack your products using Vedson branded packaging material.

10) Handover the package to logistics partner.

a) Product and Product Information

As a registered seller, you shall list item(s) for sale on the Vedson Platform in accordance with the policies which are incorporated by way of reference in this seller terms of use agreement. You agree that when you list any product on Vedson than the information of the product mentioned must be correct and accurate. You must be legally able to sell the item(s) you list for sale on Vedson Platform and must have all the necessary licenses and permits required for such sale on Vedson. Vedson will not be liable for any consequences if you have given any incorrect or inaccurate information related to the product. You must see that your product information mentioned on the product page of must comply with the original product specification, photos, graphics, pictures or videos that describe your item for sale. The listing description of the item must not be misleading and must describe the actual condition of the product. If you do not mention proper description and information of the product in the listing of original product than you agree and authorize us to approve refund of the product which customer has raised return against the order and any amount which you have received from the buyer. You must ensure that listing which you have done must have all material, including the packaging and other accessories when you ship to the customer for any order. You must ensure that the listed items do not infringe upon the intellectual property, trade secret or other proprietary rights or rights of publicity or privacy rights of third parties. You must ensure that information which you have provided must not be defamatory, sexually explicit, obscene material or any unlawful material.

All listed items must be kept in stock for successful fulfillment of sales on Vedson.

You must mention attributes which is mandatory by Government of India like manufacturer name, country of origin, warranty, tax invoice available or not, importer name, expiry date (in case of food or any FMCG product or any other product where required), FSSAI number or any mandatory details which is required by Indian Government to list in any marketplace of India. If any such mandatory attribute is not available in the seller listing creation than you can write that mandatory details in the description which will be seller responsibility to write. Seller must comply with the labeling and packaging laws of Indian Government.

You agree not to list a single product in multiple quantities across various categories on the platform. Vedson Reserves the right to delete such multiple listings of the same product listed by you in various categories. Vedson reserves the right to restrict the selling of products originating from certain countries. For food and nutrition category seller shall adhere to the minimum balance shelf life norms.

b) Product Listing

Whatever products you have created on our from your seller account, we will list that product on our website and mobile application from where customers can buy your products. And you can also share the link of your products in social media, messaging, email or wherever you want to advertise to increase your sales. Vedson reserves its rights to restrict at any time in its sole discretion the access to list in any or all the categories on the Vedson Site and Vedson Platform.

We also may use mechanism that customers can rate your products and sellers performance ratings and feedback publically to make the sales transparent. We may also display how many products you have sold uptil now in your seller profile page and how many products you have listed on

c) Order Processing

Seller has to convert Order Status

CONFIRM ? READY TO SHIP ( in 24 to 48 hours from the order date and time)

c1) Seller has to confirm the order and make the order in Ready to Ship Status within 24 to 48 hours of the order received.

Pack and Ship each of the orders before SLA Breach and make order status from Confirm to Ready To Ship Order Status. This means that seller must pack and keep the package Ready To Ship and convert the order status to Ready to Ship within 24 to 48 hours of the order received. So that Vedson Shipping Partner can collect the package from the seller pickup address mentioned on the seller profile in case of Vedson Fulfilled Shipment.

c2) You as a seller shall be required to dispatch the products and/or services for every transaction/orders to the buyer within the time period as provided in the seller terms of use agreement to ensure that the products and/or services are delivered in time to the buyer and to increase your sales, ratings and reviews which customers give for your product as well as for you as a seller.

c3) You as a seller will be solely be responsible for undertaking transit insurance for products sold by you on the Vedson Platform either it is forward shipment and Reverse Pickup/Reship of the product (in case of returns/replacement/exchange of the order). For avoidance of doubt Vedson will not be responsible for undertaking any insurance(s) for products sold by sellers on the Vedson Platform.

c4) Seller shall provide dispatch details and details of after sales services related to products and services listed by it on the Vedson platform within a time period as provided in the policies, failing which the transaction shall stand cancelled.

d) Shipping and Handling Charges

For Shipment and fulfillment there are 2 ways to do so.

1) Vedson Fulfilled - Vedson will Pickup and Ship the Product to the customer.

In this you can choose shipping companies which is a Vedson Shipping Partner and by this Vedson/Shipping Partner will pickup and ship the product to the customer. The amount of shipping charges + GST will be charged to the seller and that amount will be deducted from seller payout order wise or seller ledger wise. For more information for shipping charges please see shipping policy.

Seller is responsible to source, sell, pack, and make package ready to ship and handover to the shipping partner in Vedson Fulfilled Orders

2) Seller Fulfilled - Seller himself will Ship the Product.

In this seller himself has to ship the product to the customer and mention AWB/Tracking number and upload the courier receipt so that online tracking can be done of the product to the customer. The amount of shipping charges seller has to pay by himself and shipping amount will not be deducted from seller payout order wise or seller ledger wise.

Seller is responsible to source, sell, pack, fulfill, ship, and deliver the products to customer in case of Seller Fulfilled Orders.

3) Reverse Pickup - Reverse Pickup will always be picked up and shipped back to the seller in case of return/refund/replacement/exchange by Vedson Shipping Partner Only.

4) Reship Shipment – Reship will also be done through Vedson/Shipping Partner or by seller himself.

The amount of Reship charges + GST will be charged to the seller and that amount will be deducted from seller payout order wise or seller ledger wise in case seller has used Vedson Shipping Partner.

seller ship the product by himself through his own shipping partner than Reship amount will not be deducted from seller payout order wise or seller ledger wise.

Reship will be done in case of any exchange/replacement of the product to the customer for any order.


5) Seller has to take transit insurance in case of forward shipment or reverse pick shipment or reship (in case of replacement/exchange) of the product even if it is Vedson Fulfilled or Seller Fulfilled.

In case seller has shipped the order by Vedson Fulfilled than in case of any damage/misplace/lost of the package by the shipping company than as per policy of the shipping company which we have signed with them only that much amount shipping company is liable to pay and that to the final decision will be of the shipping company and in that decision there is no responsibility of Vedson to fulfill your financial damage which is caused to you. Shipping companies agreement terms and conditions with Vedson will be also applicable and agreeable to the seller in case seller choose vedson fulfilled shipping partner.

In case seller has himself shipped the order through their own shipping company partner or by self ship than in case of any damage/misplace/lost of the package or any other consequences for that seller only will be responsible.

So we recommend to take 110% of the insurance of the product which you ship through vedson or which you ship to the customer directly in case of vedson fulfilled or seller fulfilled both the cases.

6) In case of Forward/Reverse/Reship shipping charges through Vedson Fulfilled shipping amount will be calculated on basis of Weight or Volumetric weight (L*B*H) in cm whichever is higher will be calculated the weight of the shipped product. Shipping charges may vary in case actual weight or volumetric weight is higher than mentioned by the seller at the time of Ready To Ship Status. If you have any complain regarding the shipping charges differential amount levied by the shipping company due to mismatch in weight or volumetric weight than you must tell us within 7 days of the amount debited to your account with full proof of photo of the weight of the package and volumetric size measuring with the tape photos or videos will be very much appreciated to take the issue with the shipping company, but in this case shipping companies decision will be final and vedson will not be able to do anything regarding the shipping charges which shipping company has charged for your order or package.

e) Sale and Fulfilment

1) Seller list their products on

Seller is responsible to source, sell, pack, and make package ready to ship and handover to the shipping partner in Vedson Fulfilled Orders.

Seller is responsible to source, sell, pack, fulfill, ship, and deliver the products to customer in case of Seller Fulfilled Orders.

And seller has to fulfill all the terms, product information, warranty, guarantee, and any other technical details which is mentioned on the product page of the product listing. For this seller will be responsible and bear all risk for any such activities.

2) Pack and Ship each of the orders before SLA Breach and make order status from Confirm to Ready To Ship Order Status. This means that seller must pack and keep the package Ready To Ship and convert the order status to Ready to Ship within 24 to 48 hours of the order received. So that Vedson Shipping Partner can collect the package from the seller pickup address mentioned on the seller profile in case of Vedson Fulfilled Shipment.

3) Seller must login to the Vedson seller panel once in a day so that seller can know about the order received and can confirm the order and pack the order as early as possible.

4) Seller cannot cancel any order as it will impact there rating and product rating of your listing which will finally impact on your sales. Seller can also face penalties of 5% of the order amount if sellers cancel the order.

5) Seller shall dispatch the product by 2 ways and/or services using Vedson fulfillment (through shipping partner of Vedson) or seller fulfillment (seller will ship themselves by using their own shipping partner which is reputed and having online tracking facilities which provides appropriate ‘proof of dispatch’ and ‘proof of delivery’ (PODs) documentations.

In case seller has shipped through their own shipping partner than AWB/tracking number must be given by the seller on Vedson platform so that customers can track where the order has been reached.

Such PoD documentation relating to delivery should be maintained by a seller for a period of 3 years from the date of dispatch or as per government authority norms as and when required by the government. PODs must be furnished to Vedson on demand within the time frame as notified from time to time.

Updating your order tracking number immediately on the same day of dispatch will be highly appreciated by the customer and it looks more professional which will also improve your rating.

In case a seller fails to provide dispatch details or provides dispatch details not complying with policies, it shall result in consequences as stated in the Terms of use and may lead to suspension and/or termination of sellers account.

Seller agree and acknowledges that the dispatch details is true, correct and duly authorized and shall not be misleading, fraudulent, false, illegal, unauthorized and shall not contain any misrepresentation of facts, if any of the information found which is suspicious that Vedson can Block/Delete sellers account and also can block amount which is Net Payable to Seller by Vedson until the problem or any issue is solved.

6) Packing Slip must be fixed on the package before shipment. Paste the packing slip on top and long side of the package.

7) On packing slip identify yourself as a seller of the product for the order which you are doing shipment.

8) You as a seller have not to contact customer directly anytime and if found by Vedson that you are contacting the seller directly than we may take strict action even we can remove/block your listing or your seller account as per our sole discretion decision.

f) Returns and Refunds

For all of your products which you are selling on Vedson, you will accept and process returns, refund and adjustments in accordance with these seller terms of use agreement and the Vedson Refund/Return Policies published at the time of the applicable order, and we may inform customers that these policies apply to your products. You will determine and calculate the amount of all the refunds and adjustments (including any shipping/taxes/handling or any other charges) or any other amount to be paid by you to customers in connection with your transactions this functionality we have enabled in your account. You have to approve the refund and we will initiate that refund amount in customer original payment mode or customer Vedson Credit on Vedson Platform. This functionality may be modified or discontinued for your account at any time without any prior intimation to you. This all payments you have to route through Vedson only. We will provide such payments to the buyer in its original payment mode or in Customers Vedson Credit as per Vedson policies and you will reimburse us for all the amounts so paid on behalf of you to your customers. If for any circumstances you have not refunded or replaced or return approved of the customer of your order than Vedson can mediate for Vedson name, fame and brand image and Vedson can take decision in favor of customer and you agree and acknowledge us that our such decision will be binding to you and you will reimburse such amount to Vedson in Vedson bank account or you agree and authorize Vedson to make such payments or disbursements for your available balance with Vedson, we will process such amounts due to the customer on your behalf and you will reimburse us for all amounts so paid to the customer on your behalf by us.

For any Replacement/Exchange request of the order, please ship the replacement/exchange product to the customer after you get the original product back and check the quality. If you ship the replacement/exchanged new product before receiving the old product than we are not responsible for the old product if you don’t receive it or if you receive it in damaged condition.

g) Problems with your products

a. Delivery Errors and Non Conformities : Recalls

You are responsible for any non-delivery, mis-delivery, theft, lost of the package/item, damage to the package/item or act in connection with the fulfillment and delivery of your products. We recommend you that you must take 100% insurance of all your products which you are doing shipment through our shipping partner or your shipping partner for all orders/returns/replacement/exchange/refund you got on and Vedson Platform. Vedson will not be responsible or liable to pay you any kind of any financial assistances or financial loss in case of any non-delivery, mis-delivery, theft, lost of the package/item, damage to the package/item or any other kind of financial loss or any kind of loss to your products. You are only responsible for any non-conformity or defect in or any public or private recall of any of your products/services. You will notify us as soon as you have knowledge of any public or private recalls of your products.

b. Buyer Protection Program and Chargebacks

If we inform you that we have received a claim under the “Buyer Protection Program” offered on the Vedson site or other dispute relating to the offer, sale or fulfillment of your product(s) (other than a chargeback) concerning one of your transactions, you will have 5 days to appeal our decision of the claim. If we find that claim, chargeback or dispute is your responsibility you agree and acknowledge us that 1) you will not take recourse against the customer, 2) you are responsible for reimbursing us for the amount paid by the customer (including shipping charges, payment processing charge such as credit card, bank, representation charge, penalty fees, debit card fees, net banking charges, wallet charges, handling charges, taxes) and any related chargeback or refunds to the extent payable by us on behalf of you.

h) Replacement/Exchange of the order

For any replacement/exchange request by the customer vedson/seller receive than seller must check and approve the request by selecting the reverse pick of the old product yes/no and approve the replacement/exchange of the order.

After the old product is received by the seller than seller has to check quality of the product and than approve/reject the customers request.

If seller approves the replacement request than a new order number will be created against the old order number, and seller has to make shipment of the replaced/exchanged product once the seller receives the old original product package and quality check by the seller.

i) Compensation Fees for any order you received on Vedson

You as a seller will pay us the applicable Fees as mentioned below for any order you receive on Vedson. Charges will be according to the Fee Structure Policy of Vedson. And you agree and authorize us to adjust this below amount of fees, GST, TCS, TDS or any other charges of an order from your account statement with us against the same order which you sold on Vedson or any other order amount which is sold on Vedson or you will pay us to our bank account or you agree and authorize us to charge you current or saving bank account of your company or your individual account as a lien mark against your any debit amount with us which you are liable to pay to us.

1) Commission Fees ( Depends on categories in which product is displayed and sold)

2) Fixed Closing Fees

3) Payment Processing Charges

4) Shipping Charge (In case you have shipped through Vedson Shipping Partner)

5) Reverse Pickup Charge (In case you have Reverse Pickup in case of your product Returns/Replacement/Exchange through Vedson Shipping Partner)

6) Reship Amount Charge (In case you have Re-shipped the product in case of replacement/exchange through Vedson Shipping Partner)

7) Refund Amount (In case any of the amount is refunded to buyer on behalf of you and your account is in negative balance with us)

8) SLA ( Service Level Agreement – In case you do not change order status to confirm to Ready to Ship in 24 to 48 hours of the order received than SLA Charges will be applicable to you for that particular order this is a kind of penalty to you as you have not shipped the product on time in 24 to 48 hours.

9) GST on all above charges or fees which we will charge to your account.

10) TCS 1% as per Indian Government Law to be deducted by Ecommerce Operator of sellers who are selling their products on Ecommerce Marketplace Webiste.

11) TDS 1% as per Income Tax Law to be deducted by Ecommerce Operator of sellers who are selling their products on Ecommerce Marketplace Webiste.

12) If any Vedson Subscription Fees if applicable.

13) Refund Administrative Fees (Rs 200 or 15% of the Commission Amount whichever is lesser in case of refund of any order)

Your sales amount will be considered excluding Shipping charge, COD charges.

All amount which you have to pay to us will be in local currency i.e Indian Rupees only.

All Taxed or surcharges imposed on Fees payable by you to Vedson will be your responsibility and if you do not pay than you agree and authorize us to adjust this below amount of fees, GST, TCS, TDS or any other charges of any order from your Statement of Account of seller on with us against the same order which you sold on Vedson or against any other order amount which is sold on Vedson or you will pay us to our bank account or you agree and authorize us to charge your current or saving bank account of your company lien mark or your individual account lien mark against your any debit amount with us which you have to pay to us.

For more details regarding the Fees Structure please see our Fees Structure Policy.


j) Sales Proceeds and Refunds

a. Collection of payment and refund of payment

You agree and authorize us to collect payments on your behalf from customers for any sales made through online payment mode or COD (Cash on Delivery) mechanism. You hereby authorize and permit us to collect and disclose any information (which may include personal or sensitive or transactional information such as your bank account information and any other information) made available to us in connection with this agreement to a bank, auditor, processing agency or third party contracted by us in connection with this agreement.

All payment and remittance to you for Online Payment or COD payment which we received against your sales on our website and Vedson Platform must be only remitted to you through the online bank or other mutually agreed and other means used to transfer to your bank account or any coupons created for the amount which you have to receive from us that coupons you can use on vedson for purchasing of the goods or Vedson Store Credit of your company account where you can purchase goods from our vedson platform.

If seller choose to take amount of the sales in Vedson Credit instead of seller bank account than Vedson will give 2% extra Vedson Credit against the payment vedson is crediting in Vedson Credit.

Example – Suppose Net payable to seller is Rs 10,000 by vedson to seller. If Seller ask vedson to give Rs 5000 into bank account and Rs 5000 into Vedson Credit. Vedson Will credit Rs 5100 ( Rs 100 more in Vedson Credit). Plz note – vedson credit amount is not transferrable and cannot be redeemed in any bank account by bank transfer. You can only purchase from vedson platform by vedson credit amount.

For any refunds to customers against your order which refunds you have approved or we have approved in case we found customers authenticity and to save image, name and fame of vedson platform you agree and authorize us for adjusting any amount of any refunded order from your account statement with us against the same order which you sold on Vedson or against any other order amount which is sold on Vedson or you will pay us to our bank account or you agree and authorize us to charge your current or saving bank account of your company or your individual bank account lien mark against your any debit amount with us which you have to pay to us.

We may also hold back a portion of your sales proceeds as a separate Reserve Fund. The reserve amount will be used for the purpose of settling the future claims of customers in the event of non-fulfillment of delivery to the customers of your products keeping in mind the period for refunds and chargeback.. Reserve Funds can also used to settle our fees, charges or Net Receivable From seller by Vedson in Statement of Account of Seller which is debit amount. In case of any refund to the customer in customer original payment mode or in Vedson Credit, we may charge administrative fees for each refund amount which we do to the customer against your refund order.

k) Other Eligible Transaction, Payment Settlement Date, Settlement Amount (Net Payable To Seller), Payment Failure You agree and authorize us and we will remit the settlement amount (Net Payable To Seller) for individual order or for consolidated order whichever is suitable for us on Payment Settlement Date. In case of single order or consolidate order payments we do as per the Statement of Account of each seller with us, you agree and authorize us to deduct the fees and charges of completed order (Return/Replacment Period is Expired of that order) or Refunded/Replacement/Return order which is mentioned in h) Compensation Fees for any order you received on Vedson against any of your single order or consolidated payment of any of your orders.

You agree and authorize us to remit the Settlement Amount (Net Payable To Seller in Seller Statement of Account) to your bank account on the Payment Settlement Date in respect of an eligible transactions which is delivered and return/replacement/exchange period days is expired from the date of delivery to customer.

If you are changing your bank account number and bank than you must call to our seller support and inform regarding the bank account number change and also you have to verify your bank account once again by providing us Cheque Photo and also confirm the small amount which we will put into your bank account to verify your new bank account, you have to send confirmation in the email, if you fail to confirm and verify your new bank account than we will not be responsible for any amount which we have remitted to your old bank account, for that you will be only responsible for any consequence and financial losses.

If you want to change anytime your bank account than minimum it will take 14 business days to integrate your new bank account into our system and after new bank account integration only you will receive funds in new account.

To receive amount transferred on time from us we recommend you not to change your bank account details again and again.

Settlement amount is defined as

Settlement Amount = Sales Amount of the order (excluding shipping and cod charges) which you will accept as payment in full for the sale of your products - a) Commission Fees (Depends on categories in which product is displayed) - b) Fixed Closing Fees - c) Payment Processing Charges d) Shipping Charges (In case you have shipped through Vedson Shipping Partner) - e) Reverse Pickup Charges (In case you have Reverse Pickup in case of your product Returns/Replacement/Exchange through Vedson Shipping Partner) - f) Reship Amount (In case you have Re-shipped the product in case of replacement/exchange through Vedson Shipping Partner) - g) Refund Amount (In case any of the amount is refunded to buyer on behalf of you and your account is in negative balance with us) - h) SLA ( Service Level Agreement – In case you do not change order status From confirm To Ready to Ship in 24 to 48 hours of the order received than SLA Charges will be applicable to you for that particular order this is a kind of penalty to you as you have not shipped the product on time in 24 to 48 hours. - i) GST on all above charges or fees which we will charge to your account. - j) TCS 1% as per Indian Government Law to be deducted by Ecommerce Operator of sellers who are selling their products on Ecommerce Marketplace Webiste. - k) TDS 1% as per Income Tax Law to be deducted by Ecommerce Operator of sellers who are selling their products on Ecommerce Marketplace Website. - l) If any Vedson Subscription Fees if applicable -

m) Any Refund due to customers – o) Refund Administrative Fees (Rs 200 or 15% of the Commission Amount whichever is lesser in case of refund of any order) o) Any other Taxes or Fees Applicable

Vedson has a normal practice of payment settlement (Net Payable To Seller) to the sellers having payment cycle of 3 days from the date of Return/Replacement Period Days is expired of particular product mentioned on product detail page for all sellers registered with Vedson.

Payment Settlement date for all sellers will be 3, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30 date of every month.

For Payment Settlement Date and other details please see the Payment Settlement Policy for more details. Payment Settlement date can also be changed without any prior notice to the sellers, so for latest payment settlement dates of each month please visit our Payment Settlement Date which will be final even if anywhere in any other policy by mistakenly we have mentioned or remaining to edit in any other policy including this Seller Terms of use Agreement. For Payment Settlement Dates you have to rely on Payment Settlement Policy only.

l) Vedson Marketplace, Websites and Services

Vedson has the right to determine the design, functionality, availability, content, product listing, sellers, buyers, any payment mode, any shipping partner and any appropriateness of its marketplace, websites, selection and any product or listing on Vedson Site or Vedson Platform and all aspects of services we give to buyer and seller for the use. Vedson may assign any of its rights or delegate any of its responsibilities.

Vedson at its sole discretion has full right to block/remove your seller account from our website or Vedson Platform. Vedson can block/remove your listing of any product from our website or Vedson Platform.

m) Tax Matters

You agree, acknowledge and authorize us that the price stated by you for your products is inclusive of all taxes GST/|VAT/CST/,TDS,TCS, excise duty, customs duty or other tax or levy that may be required to be remitted in connection with such sales on or Vedson Platform.

All payments to you by Vedson will be made subject to applicable withholding taxes under applicable governing laws. Any applicable taxes on the fees or charges than tax amount will be withhold by Vedson.

In case of any taxes we are withholding which you require to pay to the government or authority than you must give certificate or payment forms or any other document by which we can verify that you have paid such taxes which we have withhold in your Statement of Account. And after verification only we will reimburse the claims post verification and reconciliation with our books of accounts. Vedson will have right to reject the claim if the claimed amount does not match with service fees invoice or our Statement of Accounts of that seller. You agree and authorize us to recover any excessive claims paid to you by Vedson.

n) Credit Card Fraud

In case of credit card fraud vedson is not responsible for any type of financial loss or any kind of the loss to you. As Credit card fraud is not in the hands of Vedson and Vedson is not having any access of any of the bank or card details which is based on totally 3rd party services. In this case we can only ask our bank or payment gateway to proceed for the amount we can get for you as much as we can. In such cases you agree, authorize and acknowledge us to debit any kind of amount which has been of the order from your seller ledger or adjust the amount against any other orders or you will be liable to pay us by cheque/neft/rtgs/online banking.

31. Audits

Vedson shall have the right to inspect and audit seller’s records and premises/place of business through itself or through Vedson approved third party testing agencies. Cost of such an audit shall be borne by Vedson unless the audit reflects discrepancy in sellers account/non compliance with Vedson Seller policies, in which case the cost of audit shall be borne by the seller and you authorize us to deduct such amount from your consolidated sales amount in your statement of accounts with us.

32. Breach

We may limit your activity, immediately remove your information, warn other users of your actions immediately, temporarily/indefinitely/suspend/terminate/block your account and/or refuse your access to the platform or put your account on hold in the event of breach of the seller terms of use agreement, privacy policy or other policies, if you are unable to verify or authenticate any information you provide, if it is believed that your actions may cause legal liability for you/other users/us, if you do not provide the legal requirement documents such as the documents required for product sales in drugs and cosmetics category/bis license documents/brand authorization letter/trademark registration proof as may be required by Vedson Authorities.

We may at any time at our sole discretion, reinstate suspended sellers accounts. A seller that has been suspended or blocked may not register or attempt to register with us or use the platform through itself or any other entity or legal form in any manner whatsoever until such time that such as seller is reinstated by us. If such seller has opened any other sellers account or his family member/he is partner or director in any of the company has opened than you authorize us to settle the recovery amount which you have to pay to us of the other firm we can settle that amount into your new company seller account and pay you the remaining amount after deducting the old account recovery amount. If you breach the seller terms of use agreement or other rules and policies, we reserve the right to recover any amounts due and owed by you to us and take strict legal action, including but not limited to a referral to the appropriate police or other authorities for initiating criminal or other proceedings against you.

33. Pre-booking Listing of Product

Seller can also list product in pre-booking mode.

Seller has to mention Pre-Booking available up to date (end date) and stock available on date.

Pre-booking available up to date (end date) - This means customers can get chance to buy product at pre booking rate and after this date pre-booking will be closed.

Stock Available on Date – This means that stock of this product will be available on/after this date for Ready To Ship with the seller and product will be ready to ship from seller warehouse/office.

Pre-booking Rate – Seller can put special pre-booking price to sell for a product. Pre-booking rates will be mentioned in the product detail page, pre-booking rate may be special rate than normal listing.

34. Contact us

Please send any comments or questions including all enquiries not related to trademark and copyright infringement by raising any issue on the seller dashboard or send email on

In accordance with the IT act 2000 and the rules there under to grievance officer

To - Grievance Officer

Vedson Ecommerce Private Limited,

Shop No. 8, Vikash Shopping Center,

Near Circuit House, Mahendranagar,

Rajkot, Morbi, Gujarat, India, 363642 

Email -

Contact +91 7588774444

Timing : Mon – Sat (9:00 to 18:00)